Sound healing
Sound healing is a beautiful, direct way of receiving healing energy into your body.
While being held in a field of grace & unconditional love, you receive that which you need the most,
to support your healing journey and bring renewed energy into your systems.
Sound healing works deeply,
affecting your body on a physical, emotional & etherical level,
bringing healing, release, restoration & relaxation, revitalising your energy.
When giving sound healing, I use my voice and various instruments
in an intuitive and attuned way, supporting deep recalibration.
There are different ways you can experience sound healing with me:
Sacred Sound Session
When I give healing sessions,
sound is always a part of this.
But sound can also be the ONLY tool I use
letting healing vibrations flow through me
using some instruments & mainly my voice,
to embody a sacred healing song for you.
I offer several
sound healing workshops
from different approaches
throughout the year.
Sound journeys & meditations
On a regular base,
I create guided meditations
and sound journeys
for release, healing
and as deepening practices.